Webverb (1) in· cense ˈin-ˌsen (t)s incensed; incensing transitive verb 1 : to apply or offer incense to 2 : to perfume with incense incense 3 of 3 verb (2) in· cense in-ˈsen (t)s incensed; … WebDefinition of incensed adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... incense verb; incensed adjective; incentive noun; incentivize verb; elite. noun . From the Word list. Oxford 5000. C1. Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Word of the Day.
Irate Definition & Meaning Dictionary.com
Web1. an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned. 2. the perfume or smoke arising from incense. 3. any pleasant fragrance. 4. homage; adulation. v.t. 5. to perfume with incense. 6. to burn incense for. [1250–1300; Middle English ansens,ensenz < Old French < Late Latin incēnsum, literally, something kindled] in•cense 2 Web1. (perfumed substance) a. el incienso (M) Tatiana has candles and incense burning every night at dinner time. Tatiana enciende velas e incienso cada noche a la hora de la cena. transitive verb 2. (to enrage) a. encolerizar The governor's racist comment incensed the public.El comentario racista del gobernador encolerizó al público. b. enfurecer citi bank store credit cards
Incense Definition & Meaning Dictionary.com
Websich entrüsten über (+accusative) (= sich empören) to be filled with indignation at, to be outraged at; (= zornig werden) to be incensed at; (= schockiert sein) to be outraged or scandalized at das ist unerhört!, entrüstete sich die alte Dame that is scandalous!, said the old lady incensed Verb conjugations for entrüsten WebWhen you are incensed by something, such as your teacher slamming you with homework on the night of the prom, you feel like you are burning with anger. Definitions of incense … WebFrançais : indigné - endiabler - irrité - outré - rageur - vexé comme un pou Synonymes : irate, indignant, furious, livid, Suite... Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le (s) mot (s) "incensed" : Aucune discussion avec "incensed" n'a été trouvée dans le forum French-English incensed at vs incensed by - English Only forum citibank store hours